Solar FencingSolar power fencing systems are made flexible suiting all types of fencing requirements. Wire with good tensile strength is used for manufacturing the fences and hence increasing their life even when subjected to physical pressures. These power fencing is easy to install, maintain and widely appreciated in various sectors for its functionality. This type of fencing system is widely appreciated for various domestic and commercial applications.
Solar Power Fencing applications:
Solar power is the most efficient energy resource as compared to traditional ones. We are top-notch manufacturers and suppliers of solar products. We offer you variety of products to suit all your business needs.
Domestic Security Fencing – Security fencing is primarily meant to ward off predators, thieves, trespassers and vandals. Major applications are to protect residences, warehouses, schools, colleges and other educational institutions, manufacturing units, gated communities and police stations from any intrusion. The system shall not only detect but also deny intrusion by administering a short, sharp but safe shock to the intruder.
High Security Fencing – .High security fencing is an advanced version of normal security fencing systems. They come with a PC based Central Monitoring Station (CMS), which includes CCTV cameras, video surveillance cameras, flood lighting systems and SMS Alerts which control as well as monitor all the powering units installed within the premises. All systems and components are adaptable to specific requirements of the clients and can also be upgraded as and when necessary. The entire system is a fool-proof design, engineered to protect the premises from all types of intrusions.
Agricultural Security Fencing – These fences are designed to agricultural crops from domestic and wild animals like wild boar, monkeys, cows, buffaloes, gaur and daisy. Fences are designed to ward off targeted animals and can be installed around the crops using existing posts. The posts can be of wood, RCC, Stone etc properly grouted into the ground to carry fence strands around the perimeter
Forest Security Fencing – These fences are designed to protect villages, communities, resorts located in or near forest areas. The primary threat to the occupants in such properties is from wild elephants and bears. The fence generally consists of 5 strands from ground level with fence height of about 6ft. Recommended posts for the construction are MS, Galvanised of 8.5ft length. The fence may also have elephant capping to protect metal posts from wild elephants.
Working Function
The powering unit consists of a Single Channel Energizer, Alarm Unit, Charger, Battery, Metal enclosure and a Neon Tester. One powering unit can cover a length of 12000 running meters. The gate can also be electrified without causing any inconvenience to users. This denies entry into the premises by climbing upon the gates. An alarm is raised upon tampering, cutting of the strands, short circuiting of the live and ground strands, climbing the fence with the help of heavy-duty insulation, Battery-low, unauthorized switching off of the energizer etc.
A properly designed fencing system can be the least expensive high-security fencing system as well as the safest and most secure method for providing complete security to occupants and property when compared to any traditional methods. The fence does not sleep and cannot be bribed and requires practically zero maintenance. A well designed fencing system has greater deterrent value than a guard of watch dog.
High Security Fencing – .High security fencing is an advanced version of normal security fencing systems. They come with a PC based Central Monitoring Station (CMS), which includes CCTV cameras, video surveillance cameras, flood lighting systems and SMS Alerts which control as well as monitor all the powering units installed within the premises. All systems and components are adaptable to specific requirements of the clients and can also be upgraded as and when necessary. The entire system is a fool-proof design, engineered to protect the premises from all types of intrusions.
Agricultural Security Fencing – These fences are designed to agricultural crops from domestic and wild animals like wild boar, monkeys, cows, buffaloes, gaur and daisy. Fences are designed to ward off targeted animals and can be installed around the crops using existing posts. The posts can be of wood, RCC, Stone etc properly grouted into the ground to carry fence strands around the perimeter
Forest Security Fencing – These fences are designed to protect villages, communities, resorts located in or near forest areas. The primary threat to the occupants in such properties is from wild elephants and bears. The fence generally consists of 5 strands from ground level with fence height of about 6ft. Recommended posts for the construction are MS, Galvanised of 8.5ft length. The fence may also have elephant capping to protect metal posts from wild elephants.
Working Function
The powering unit consists of a Single Channel Energizer, Alarm Unit, Charger, Battery, Metal enclosure and a Neon Tester. One powering unit can cover a length of 12000 running meters. The gate can also be electrified without causing any inconvenience to users. This denies entry into the premises by climbing upon the gates. An alarm is raised upon tampering, cutting of the strands, short circuiting of the live and ground strands, climbing the fence with the help of heavy-duty insulation, Battery-low, unauthorized switching off of the energizer etc.
A properly designed fencing system can be the least expensive high-security fencing system as well as the safest and most secure method for providing complete security to occupants and property when compared to any traditional methods. The fence does not sleep and cannot be bribed and requires practically zero maintenance. A well designed fencing system has greater deterrent value than a guard of watch dog.